Gabriele Nys

My name is Gabriele Nys and I have been a co-worker of the Youth Section at the Goetheanum since September 2022.
I’m currently living in a beautiful little place in Dornach, where I have a view of the Goetheanum from my desk.
I’m most excited about seeing the conference come together as a whole – where each person can bring in their part, experience, thoughts, talents, ideas, in whatever form that might come about. In the first year of working with the Youth Section at the Goetheanum, I was able to get an insight in the worldwide network that the Youth Section is. I really hope that we can find ways to include the whole Youth Section network in the International Students’ Conference, whilst also strenghtening the local work of Youth Section groups around the world.
Currently, my mind is preoccupied with many logistical challenges related to the planning of the conference. But on the way of finding creative solutions, I am also really grateful for all the connections we can make, all the support that is coming from many directions. And of course I’m also hoping that everything will work out logistically as planned : )

What is your most marked characteristic?
Hmm, I’m not sure what other people might say, but I can get a lot of energy out of organising: both gatherings, conferences,… but also cupboards and shelves. I have fun with Excel sheets and get quite happy when I see clean kitchen countertops and sinks ; )

A piece of music?
Two quite different pieces come to mind, somehow both are related to crossing the treshhold…: ‘Taro’ by alt-J and the choral piece ‘Immortal Bach’, an arrangement by Knut Nystedt.