Malin Thomas

What’s your name?
My name is Malin 🙂

How old are you?
I’m 18 years old…

Why do you want to be part of the team, what is your motivation?
I am really exited to be part of the whole process, the development of an event where so many wonderful people come from all over the world to create something beautiful together…!
The students’ conferences I’ve experienced so far were so empowering for what I believe in and how I want to feel. It feels incredible and I’m so grateful that I may contribute giving people this experience and through that dive deeper into myself.
I love the philosophical brainstorming our planning process includes, to dream big about who could come as a speaker and that this big dream will actually happen!

What have you been thinking about lately?
I’ve been thinking a lot about how to be the person I want to be, like when do I feel like her? With whom? Yeah well, it’s already been a long journey… Also my brain had to solve a lot of math problems, a few too many in my opinion and I’m pretty busy fulfilling high expectations on the artistic graduation…

What’s your favourite animal and why?
I‘m a big fan of squirrels, on one side I love their bushy tail and red color and on the other side I would love to be able to climb the way they do… that must be so much fun. I also thought about seals, they just seam so comfy and happy… But I think these two match perfectly, I want to be curious and clever like a squirrel and satisfied like a seal! 😉

A poem, piece of music, book or something else that has means a lot to you?
A year ago I read „Desert flower“, the autobiography of Waris Dirie. That’s a book that definitely shaped me and made me think a lot. It impresses me how someone can have such a resilient focus on the positive and important things in life. Also it’s a lot about being a female – what it is like to grow up being a girl in Somalia and later a model in the western society.
„The Neverending Story“ inspired me a lot too, not only as a kid… I like how the imagination expands, independently moving away from a state where „that’s not possible“…