Milo Janzon

What’s your name?
Hey, my name is Milo, I´m 17 years old and come from Germany, near Cologne.

What´s your star sign?
My star sign is Aries.

What’s something you hope everyone will bring home from the conference?
Lot’s of inspiration, motivation, good feelings and love : )

What have you been thinking about lately?
Lately I have been thinking a lot about how you can shape male feminism in a meaningful way.

What was your most memorable encounter with an animal?
This was when a horse I was about to ride, bit me in the neck…

A poem, piece of music, art, a book or something else that has meant a lot to you?
Difficult question. I think I´m going to choose the album “Curtains” by John Frusciante which is very moving.